Our Solution Approach

Our Solution Approach

Male infertility is always ignored or it has never been studied or understood to present needs. In Andro 9 lab we do a detailed semen analysis with DNA fragmentation and ROS according to WHO 6th manual. The most advanced testing like Acrosin and annexin v test is done which is a first of a kind testing in Southern part of India.

We offer personalised treatment plans

Our experienced specialist team is equipped with advanced technology to offer the highest quality of care with a patient-centric approach. We offer personalised treatment plans from counselling to therapy for men of all ages. At Andro 9, we are committed to the treatment of male infertility through research, education and patient care. It is the goal of the Andro 9 to discover new approaches to treat male infertility by combining both basic research and clinical disciplines.
Any medical problem which is unique to men and experienced uniquely in the male body can be dealt with by a specialist in andrology.
Male fertility, penile problems. We are specialists in andrology to deal with procedures such as Vasectomy, Circumcision, Varicocelectomy and testicular surgeries.

Our approach towards sexual dysfunction will be 3 step solution –

Medication: Medication will be tailor made according to patient condition
SWT With PRGF: Shock Wave therapy with platelet rich growth factors.
Shock wave therapy is the most advanced machine which helps in vascular regeneration and helps in the treatment of vascular erectile dysfunction
Regenerative medicine. At Andro 9, we use plasma rich in vascular endothelial factors to the corpora of the penis.
PENILE PROSTHESIS:Penile implants are devices placed inside the penis to allow men with erectile dysfunction (ED) to get an erection. Penile implants are typically recommended after other treatments for ED fail.
There are two main types of penile implants, semirigid and inflatable. Each type of penile implant works differently and has various pros and cons.

The placement of penile implants requires surgery. Before choosing penile implants, make sure you understand what surgery involves, including possible risks, complications and follow-up care.

At Andro 9, you can be assured of international medical practices, best-in-class infrastructure and latest equipment to counter the issues with the help of world class medical specialists. We hope to be the first in Hyderabad to be at the forefront of this field.